35 000 Mercis ! Retour sur Maker Faire Paris. News. 16ober. TechShop ouvre ses portes. 02September. Maker Faire Week ! 01September. The Greatest Show ( Tell) on Earth. Maker Faire is part science fair, part county fair, and part something entirely new! As a celebration of the Maker Movement, Call for Makers - Find a Faire Near You About Maker Faire Meet The Makers. La Maker Faire est un evenement mondial et itinerant cree par le magazine americain Make (en). Il s.agit du plus grand mouvement au monde regroupant. De 7 a 107 ans, vivez l.experience inedite de la 1ere Grenoble Maker Faire a la Halle Clemenceau, les samedi 3 et dimanche 4 obre. Votre evenement. 4 sept. La deuxieme edition de Saint-Malo Mini Maker Faire s.est deroulee les 11 et 12 Avril. Plus de 110 projets etaient presentes par 250.

Maker Faire Paris, Paris. 3039 J.aime · 174 en parlent. Maker Faire est l. evenement de reference du mouvement des Makers. En France cet evenement est. November 7th 8th, Aberdeen Pavilion in Ottawa.s historic fairgrounds will be transformed into a model Maker City, and Canada.s first featured Maker Faire
Maker Faire |
5333 Tweets 607 photos/videos 73.5K followers. Check out the latest Tweets from Maker Faire (@makerfaire). Maker Faire San Diego was an incredible weekend full of innovation, new and exciting technologies, and giving every participant the opportunity to learn.
Maker Faire Rome - Il piu grande evento di innovazione al
Maker Faire Hong Kong at PolyU and Jockey Club Innovation Tower is a featured event of 3D printing, paper engineering, robotics, models, farming, food, wine. 31 Aug Grand Rapids Mini Maker Faire has extended the call for makers! now through Wednesday, August 26 to be part of this annual event. Photos. Here are just a few of the wonderful images captured at Maker Faire Pittsburgh. See the entire album at our Flickr site. Photos by Larry Rippel.13 Jul It seems like Maker Faire UK took place ages ago – this brings back some fantastic memories! Video Player. Initializing stage: 500x375. Il piu grande evento di innovazione al mondo - una mostra dedicata a tutta la famiglia che mette al centro innovazione, creativita e inventiva.
GETTING TO THE FAIRE. Take the Red Line Metro to the Van Ness/UDC Metro station and the National Maker Faire is a short walk away. Head down. Barnes Noble Mini Maker Faire. In Partnership with Make: Magazine. Tech enthusiast, crafter, educator, tinkerer, hobbyist, engineer, science club member. 10 Aug We.re happy to welcome about 120 booths by makers, projects and companies at Maker Faire. The list at makerfaire.berlin/maker is still. Yesterday, ober 10th, was Colorado Maker Day and the creators were out in force at the NoCo Mini Maker Faire. Still going on today from 10-5! Here is Dave.